Saskatchewan cares for our most vulnerable people. But what about the workers who support them?


Take action

Work-life balance and burnout continue to be a significant issue for CUPE 600 members across the province.

We represent 250 members who work directly for the Community Living Service Delivery branch of the Ministry of Social Services and Ministry of Central Services. Our members provide support to Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable people with intellectual disabilities and help them access a variety of community-based services. We work in three areas: Ministry of Social Services – Operated Group Homes, Community Case Management, and Outreach and Prevention Services.

One of the main issues is scheduling in the crisis and planned respite homes.

Currently, employees at these facilities are working six days straight of eight-hour shifts with two or less days off. These shifts are a combination of day and night shifts, which leave employees exhausted and with very little time off for home life.  

Members have reported fatigue, health problems, and mood issues all from the lack of rest away from work. As a result we are seeing increased sick time, increased reliance on overtime, and increased mandating hours by the employer.

The status quo is also hurting clients. Eight-hour shifts mean three shift changes a day. This disruption causes repetitive anxiety for our clients and creates challenges in terms of behaviour. Shorter shifts limit time during the day for outings and special activities.

Our members are being run ragged. We deserve a solution before this health and safety issue gets any further out of control.

CUPE Local 600 is proposing to move to a 12-hour shift model. This proposal would come at a minimal cost to the employer and could end up saving money in terms of a reduction of overtime and an increase in morale for both clients and employees. Our members are asking for a reasonable economic increase. Unfortunately, we are being offered less than what our counterparts in all of Saskatchewan have received.  

Email the minister of social services:

    Member resources

    CUPE is pleased to offer a range of resources to our members. 



    Having a problem at work?  Have a question about the collective agreement? Your first step is to talk to your steward, or a member of the executive.

    President:  Nancy Seman
